Minggu, 09 Agustus 2020



“Korean Dramas Gives Negative Effects to Student’s Life” 


Members : 

1.) Auvia Fitri Keisha Maharani (Contra Team)

2.) Muhamad Rafli Permadi (Contra Team) 

3.) Shaquila Allishia Herianto (Pro Team) 

4.) Vania (Pro Team)  

 *Pro Arguments *

•Watching Korean Drama make students lazy

By watching Korean Drama, in some cases, makes students will prefer to watch Korean dramas which they are excited about than doing assignments that they must done.

•Watching Korean Drama make students is wasting their time

Watching Korean drama makes you want to watch one episode after another until the end, this also makes them leave their obligations such as studying and helping their parents and sometimes even making them stay up late

•Watching Korean Drama make students have high expectations of someone based on what they like from Korean Drama   

In Korean Drama, we see many good things from someone like their attitudes and many more which is actually what they do to deepen the roles they , it makes us want someone like them in real life to be like the actor/actrees in the drama that they watched.

•Watching Korean Drama make students in a bad mood

Watching Korean dramas makes people in a bad mood. When the storyline or plot twist of the Korean drama doesn't match what they expected, they will be sad and maybe cause prolonged sadness so that their mood is not good. it will also harm those around them being disturbed.

•Watching Korean Drama make students become anti-social

People who watch Korean dramas will mention the drama from start to finish. maybe it could be from morning to night, so they rarely interact with other people because they are too focused on the drama they watch. it causes people to pay less attention to those around them. humans are social creatures, so they need other people in their lives. but watching the drama prevented them from interacting with many people. That's bad news.

•Watching Korean Drama make students addicted to Korean culture and forget Indonesian culture

Korean drama makes students addicted to their culture and forget Indonesia culture. by watching Korean dramas you will definitely get to know the Korean culture, right? it could make you want to follow the culture there. like the style of dress, the way you talk, maybe even the attitude of the Korean people you will sleep too. It makes you use Korean culture more often so that you forget about Indonesian culture itself. This will eventually make Indonesian culture disappear.

*Contra Arguments*

•Watching Korean Drama was a healing for students who feel tired about their problem.

By watching Korean Dramas, students can release their fatigue during learning at school. Watching Korean Dramas can make students refreshing from learning school. In addition, watching Korean Dramas make students feel more relax.

•Watching Korean Drama make you learn more culture and language in a fun way

Indirectly, watching Korean Dramas can increase students knowledge about Korean Culture and Korean language. Not that too, students can learn about it with fun way. Because, various unique things are found in Korean dramas, like street food and Korea’s traditional clothes, that is Hanbok.

•Watching Korean Drama make students open minded

Students can see many different perspectives because by watching Korean dramas, the problems experienced by the characters can be solved by listening and seeing the people’s mind of the opponent. Because, every Korean dramas scene always relate with our life. So, students will easily to make lesson.

•Watching Korean Drama can increase students curiosity

Most Korean dramas provide something or terms that are not widely known to other people so that students will feel curious and look for information on the search web.

•Watching Korean Drama make you avoided from promiscuity

When the students always watching korean dramas, they will be always stay at home. So they can avoid the bad behaviour. And also, can spend a lot of time at home, with family, and can understand the deep meaning of life with korean dramas.

•Watching Korean Drama teach us many life lessons

Watching korean dramas, can teach us many life lesson, why? Because, every scene, every episode, have deep meaning. And can make our life be better again. and we can get the more good value of our life or problem. and, every happened seem familiar with our life. So, korean drama is good for us.

Asking & Giving Opinion

 One day, at the morning, in Khatulistiwa Senior High School....

Bunga:"Hi, Tania! Good morning!"

Tania:"Hi, Bunga. Morning too!"

Bunga:"Ah ya, Tania, we will exam holiday. Will you go to some place?"

Tania:"I dont think so, Bunga. I hope i'll go to holiday."

Bunga:"what about we going holiday together? Because it'll be the last meet, what do you think?"

Tania:"Wahh!! Thats a good idea, Bunga. But, I'll tell my mom first."

Bunga:"Ok, me too. I hope we can get holiday together."

The next day~




They're so happy, and start to planning the holiday.

Tania:"Bunga, do you have references about place for holiday?"

Bunga:"I think we can go to Yogyakarta. Because, there's many place to visit. What's your opinion about that?"

Tania:"I agree with you, Bunga. We can go there with train. So, we can enjoy our journey right?"

Bunga:"Yes, Tania. I totally agree with you!"

Tania:"How about after go to Yogyakarta, we go to Bromo?"


Tania:"Okay. So, we go to Yogyakarta first, and after that, we go to Bromo? And we will go with train?"

Bunga:"Yes. Of course. I think so."

And after exam. They go holiday together. 

The end.