Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Crying Stone or Batu menangis

Batu Menangis

Once upon a time, there was an old widow who lived in a small house on the top of a hill at Kalimantan with her beautiful daughter. The old widow is so poor that she must work hard every day. She collected dry woods in the jungle and sold them in the market once a week. She wanted to make her daughter happy so she worked harder and harder every single day. 

The girl, the old widow’s daughter, was surely beautiful. Every man could easily fall in love if they saw her face. Unfortunately she had a very bad attitude. The girl was very lazy and never helped her mother. Every day she just primped and looked at the mirror to admire her own beauty. She was also spoiled girl. All of his requests must be obeyed even though her mother was poor old lady.

Like usual, in every week end, the old widow went down to the market to sell dry woods. This time, her daughter wanted to go with her too. She wanted to buy new clothes. The old widow was happy to see her own daughter went with her together to the market. The old widow also planned to use the money she got from selling the wood to buy new clothes for her daughter. She was truly wanted to see her daughter happy.

The market was so far from their house. They should walk down the hill and pass a village. The girl wore nice clothes and dress up so the people who saw her will be admiring her beauty. In contrary, her mother wore dirty clothes with a basket full of dry wood on her back. She wanted that her mother to walk behind her so that people would think that she was not her mother. The girl cannot accept if people in the village know that the old widow was her mother. Indeed, none know that the girl and the old widow were mother and daughter because they lived alone on the top of hill.

When they began to enter the village, all the people who passed by were looking at them. They were so fascinated by the beauty of the girl. They could not resist to look at her beautiful face. However, when people saw an old lady who walked behind her, it was so contrastive. It made people to wonder who the old dirty lady behind her was. Among those who saw it, a young man approached and asked her, "Hey, pretty girl. Is that your mother behind you? "

"No," the girl said arrogantly. "She is my servant!"

The old lady could understand why her own daughter said so. She only blamed herself that she could not be the mother that her daughter wanted. The old lady only kept silent and continued the journey. Not far away from there, a young man approached again and asked the girl the same question.

"Hi sweetheart. Is it your mother who walks behind you? "

Again the girl rejected the fact by saying no the old widow was her mother. "No, no, she is not my mother," said the girl. "She is my slave!"

The same questions continued repeatedly several times. And the girl always answered the questions by telling that the old widow was not her mother. The first, second, and the third ones, the old widow could accept it. However when it went along several times, it made the old widow sad. It hurt the old lady so much that her own daughter did not admit that she was her mother. The silent turned to sadness. The sadness turned to madness. And when a mother was mad, a bad thing would follow. Finally, the poor old widow cannot resist anymore. The old widow prayed to the God to punish her rebellious daughter.

"Oh my God, I was not able to resist this insult. How come my own daughter treat her own mother like this. Yes, God punish this rebellious child! Punish her.... "

On the power of God Almighty, slowly her body was turned to stone. The change starts from the feet. When the change has reached half of the body, the girl was crying asking forgiveness to her mother.

"Oh, my mother, please forgive me. Forgive what I have done to you. Please, mother. I will change, mother. Please forgive your daughter, your only daughter," cry the girl.

The girl continued to wail and cry pleading with his mother. However, everything was too late. The whole body of the girl was eventually turned into stone. Even when she turned into stone, people still can see the tears. The stone cries. Therefore, people begin to call it "Crying Stone or Batu Menangis".


1.Where is the story came from?
2.Where they lived?
3.What is the old widow job?
4.What is the character of the girl?
5.Why the mother walk behind her daughter?
6.Why the old widow ask to God to punish her daughter?
7.What happened to her daughter after the mother prayed to God?
8.What is the moral value from this story?
9.Why are people called it"batu menangis"?
10.What is the similar meaning of "servant"?

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

My Last Holiday

My Happy Holiday

Hello, Everyone!
Let me tell You, about my last holiday!

So, when 21st of December 2019, I went to Sumedang. And, there I met my junior high school friends. Because I miss them so much. So, there, I three fingers mark and I took my sertificate. After that,  me and my friends went to cinema for watched Habibie and Ainun 3 movie. It was very pleasure for me. Because, I haven't seen my friends in a long time. And I will rarely see them. After we wachted, we ate at one of restaurant in that mall. And, we back at 5.00 pm. But, I decided to stay at one of my friend home.

The next day, me, my three friends, and one of my teacher went to Garut at 10.00 am. And it took four hours to arrived in Garut. And, we take a rest for a while. After ashar, we directly, went to Kamojang Crater. And it took one hour to arrive in that crater. During the journey, we presented with a forest in right and left. And it felt cold. But, I was felt fresh, because that air. But, of course, I felt so pleasure. When we arrived at Kamojang Crater, we parking the car. And, directly, met the crater. There are Kawah Kereta Api. This crater, like a fume. And so noisy and hot too. And there is Kawah Air Hujan. This crater, like a Kawah Kereta Api but, it's not noisy. And, usually, the visitors bring egg for boil there. And, after we look the crater, we ate noodles and bajigur. And, it felt can slightly warms up our body. Unfortunately, there are so much rubbish. And, disturb a comfortable view.

Oh, ya, near the carter, there's office for control geothermal power. So, there are much of fume. After maghrib, we went back home, but, before that we went to Kampung Sampireun. The distance is quiet far from that crater. And, we ate there. I like the view at night. Because, many lamps at Kampung Sampireun. And, we back at 9.00 pm.

And the next few days, I was only at home. Helped my mother, cleaned our home. But, at new year, I went to my nephew's home. And, we spent that night with burnt a sausage, corn, and etc.